


2021年4月20日,複宏漢霖(2696.HK)宣佈公司與億勝生物合作開發的重組抗VEGF人源化單克隆抗躰眼用注射液HLX04-O的臨床試驗申請在歐盟國家拉脫維亞獲批,擬用於濕性年齡相關性黃斑變性(wAMD)的治療。 這是繼澳大利亞和美國之後,HLX04-O獲得的第三個境外臨床試驗許可,也是HLX04-O首次獲批於歐盟國家開展臨床試驗。 與此同時,公司已陸續向匈牙利、西班牙、捷克共和國等其他歐盟國家遞交了HLX04-O的臨床試驗申請,預計將於近期陸續獲批。

2020年10月,複宏漢霖與億勝生物達成合作共同開發HLX04-O,雙方計畫圍繞HLX04-O眼科適應症在中國、澳大利亞、歐盟、美國等國家和地區開展國際多中心臨床試驗,並憑藉研究結果在全球多個國家和地區同步進行上市申報。 複宏漢霖已開展了HLX04-O玻璃體注射治療wAMD的非臨床藥效學、安全藥理學、重複給藥毒性、藥代動力學、毒代動力學、免疫毒性、免疫原性、局部刺激性試驗等相關研究,初步證明了HLX04-O玻璃體注射有效和安全。 一項全球、多中心的III期臨床研究擬於近期在中國、澳大利亞、俄羅斯聯邦、新加坡、西班牙、波蘭等國家和地區開展,以進一步評估HLX04-O治療wAMD的有效性及安全性。

相信通過複宏漢霖與億勝生物的合作,HLX04-O的國際多中心臨床試驗有望加速推進,並憑藉相關研究結果在全球多個國家和地區實現上市,成為首批獲得批准用於眼科相關疾病治療的貝伐珠單抗,惠及全球眾多眼科疾病患者。 未來,複宏漢霖也將持續引領創新生物藥品的開發,憑藉已經建立起的完善的創新研發平臺,持續高效地為全球患者提供可負擔的、療效更好的治療方案。

年齡相關性黃斑變性(AMD)是導致老年人視力損害和不可逆失明的主要原因之一[1],根據世界衛生組織報告,全球約有3000萬AMD患者,每年約有50萬人因為AMD而致盲[2]。 AMD致盲患者中,以脈絡膜新生血管(CNV)為特徵的濕性年齡相關性黃斑變性(wAMD)比例高達90%。 隨著老年人口比例的不斷上升,wAMD已經成為一個日益嚴重的社會醫學問題,存在著巨大的未滿足的臨床需求[3]。 隨著眼底治療方法的突破與發展,抗VEGF藥物已成為wAMD治療的一線療法[4],貝伐珠單抗玻璃體注射治療wAMD的有效性和安全性也已在多項臨床研究中得到驗證-6。
HLX04-O是複宏漢霖在自主研發的貝伐珠單抗生物類似藥HLX04的基礎上,根據眼科用藥的需求對HLX04的處方、規格和生產工藝進行優化,在活性成份不變的基礎上,開發的新的眼科製劑產品,擬用於wAMD的治療。 通過可比性研究表明生產工藝和製劑處方的變更對藥物製劑的質量、安全性和有效性未產生不利影響。 HLX04-O主要作用機制為:通過抑制VEGF與其位於內皮細胞上的受體Flt-1和KDR相結合,抑制其酪氨酸激酶訊號通路啟動,抑制內皮細胞增生,减少新生血管生成,從而治療血管增生眼部疾病。 2021年1月和3月,HLX04-O用於濕性年齡相關性黃斑變性的治療已分別獲批准於澳大利亞、美國開展臨床試驗。
複宏漢霖(2696.HK)是一家國際化的創新生物製藥公司,致力於為全球患者提供可負擔的高品質生物藥,產品覆蓋腫瘤、自身免疫疾病、眼科疾病等領域,已在中國上市3款產品,在歐盟上市1款產品,2款產品獲得中國上市註冊申請受理。 自2010年成立以來,複宏漢霖已建成一體化生物製藥平臺,高效及創新的自主核心能力貫穿研發、生產及商業運營全產業鏈。 公司已建立完善高效的全球研發中心,按照國際GMP標準進行生產和質量管控,位於上海徐匯的生產基地已獲得中國和歐盟GMP認證。

複宏漢霖前瞻性佈局了一個多元化、高品質的產品管線,涵蓋20多種創新單克隆抗躰,並全面推進基於自有抗PD-1單抗HLX10的腫瘤免疫聯合療法。 繼國內首個生物類似藥漢利康 ® (利妥昔單抗)、中國首個自主研發的中歐雙批單抗藥物漢曲優 ® (曲妥珠單抗,歐盟商品名:Zercepac ®)、 公司首個自身免疫疾病治療產品漢達遠 ® (阿達木單抗)相繼獲批上市,公司HLX04貝伐珠單抗及HLX01利妥昔單抗類風濕關節炎新適應症的上市註冊申請也正在審評中。 公司亦同步就10個產品、8個聯合治療方案在全球範圍內開展20多項臨床試驗,對外授權全面覆蓋歐美主流生物藥市場和眾多新興國家市場。

Application for Clinical Trial of Henlius Bevacizumab HLX04-O Has Been Approved for the Treatment of wAMD in Latvia

Shanghai, China, April 20th, 2021 - Shanghai Henlius Biotech, Inc. (2696.HK) announced that the application for clinical trial of HLX04-O, a recombinant anti-VEGF humanized monoclonal antibody ophthalmic injection jointly developed by the Company and Essex has been approved by the State Agency of Medicines of Latvia, for the treatment of wet age-related macular degeneration (wAMD). This is the third clinical trial approval HLX04-O has received outside of China, after the approvals of clinical trial from the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), Australia and U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and also the first clinical trial approval for HLX04-O in European Union(EU) countries. Besides, Henlius has successively submitted applications for clinical trial of HLX04-O in Hungary, Spain, Czech Republic and other EU countries, which are expected to be approved in the near future.

In October 2020, Henlius entered into a co-development and exclusive license agreement with Essex. With this collaboration, Henlius and Essex plan to conduct global multi-centre clinical trials of HLX04 in China, Australia, the European Union and the United States, and apply marketing authorization in different countries and regions around the globe based on the research results. Previously, a series of studies including non-clinical pharmacodynamics, safety pharmacology, repeat-dose toxicity, pharmacokinetics, toxicokinetics, immunotoxicity, immunogenicity and local irritation of HLX04-O vitreous injection in the treatment of wAMD have been carried out, initially proving the efficacy and safety of HLX04-O. The phase 3, global and multi-centre clinical study of HLX04-O is intended to commence in China, Australia, Russian Federation, Singapore, Spain and Poland in the near future to further evaluate the efficacy and safety of HLX04-O for the treatment of wAMD.

It is believed that Henlius and Essex will speed up the global multicentre clinical trials of HLX04-O and apply marketing authorization in different countries and regions around the globe based on the research results. HLX04-O has the potential to be one of the first bevacizumabs approved for ophthalmic diseases, benefiting more patients with eye diseases worldwide. Looking forward, Henlius will continue advancing the development of innovative biologics on the basis of its established and integrated innovation platform, underscoring its long-term commitment to providing affordable and effective therapies for patients worldwide.

About wAMD
Age-related macular degeneration is one of the leading causes of visual impairment and blindness in the elderly worldwide[1]. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 30 million people have suffered from AMD globally, and about half a million people become blind due to AMD each year[2]. Wet age-related macular degeneration (wAMD) is characterized by the formation of subretinal choroidal neovascularization (CNV) and is responsible for approximately 90% of cases of AMD-related blindness. Due to an aging population, wAMD has become a serious social medical problem and indicated a huge burden of unmet need[3]. With the development of treatment for fundus diseases, anti-VEGF drugs are becoming the first-line therapy for the management of wAMD[4], and the efficacy and safety of vitreous injection of bevacizumab for wAMD have been verified in multiple clinical studies-6.
About HLX04-O
HLX04-O is a new ophthalmic preparation product developed based on HLX04, a bevacizumab biosimilar independently developed by the Company, through optimizing the prescription, specifications and production processes of HLX04 according to the requirements of ophthalmic drugs, without changing the active ingredients, and is intended to be used for the treatment of wAMD. By means of comparability studies, it shows that changes in production processes and prescriptions of the preparation have no adverse impact on the quality, safety and efficacy of the pharmaceutical preparation. HLX04-O can inhibit VEGF’s binding to its receptor Flt-1(VEGFR-1) and KDR(VEGFR-2) on endothelial cells to inhibit the activation of its tyrosine kinase signaling pathway, inhibit endothelial cell proliferation and reduce angiogenesis, thereby treating eye diseases associated with angiogenesis. In January and March 2021, HLX04-O for the treatment of wAMD has been approved to commence clinical trials in Australia and the United States.
About Henlius
Henlius (2696.HK) is a global biopharmaceutical company with the vision to offer high-quality, affordable and innovative biologic medicines for patients worldwide with a focus on oncology, autoimmune diseases and ophthalmic diseases. Up to date, 3 products have been launched in China, 1 in the European Union (EU), the New Drug Applications (NDA) of 2 products accepted for review in China. Since its inception in 2010, Henlius has built an integrated biopharmaceutical platform with core capabilities of high-efficiency and innovation embedded throughout the whole product life cycle including R&D, manufacturing and commercialisation. It has established global R&D centers and a Shanghai-based manufacturing facility certificated by China and the EU Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP).

Henlius has pro-actively built a diversified and high-quality product pipeline covering over 20 innovative monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and has continued to explore immuno-oncology combination therapies with proprietary HLX10 (anti-PD-1 mAb) as backbone. Apart from the launched products 漢利康 ®(rituximab), the first China-developed biosimilar, 漢曲優 ® (trastuzumab, Zercepac® in the EU), the first China-developed mAb biosimilar approved both in China and in the EU and 漢達遠 ® (adalimumab), the Company's first product indicated for autoimmune diseases, the NDA of HLX04 (bevacizumab) and HLX01 (rituximab) for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis are under review. What's more, Henlius has conducted over 20 clinical studies for 10 products and 8 combination therapies worldwide, expanding its presence in major market as well as emerging market.


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